A friend sent me this recipe! A creamy base is layered with cocktail sauce, veggies, seafood and cheese. It's a total crowd pleaser and will be a hit at...
Great appetizer for the holidays; can be served with sliced apples, pears, pretzels, or a variety of other things. Goes great with pancakes and French...
This is an easy bean salsa. It is very simple and at times I make little changes to reflect my mood, but otherwise, it's simple and delicious. Serve as...
An easy-to-make, light and zesty Mediterranean-flavored hummus. A hit with my friends and family, this is great as an appetizer, side dish, or versatile...
Here's a spread that is always a tremendous hit at parties. The flavors of the braunschweiger and spreadable ham are the main attractions in this topping...
I got this recipe from a former co-worker. It is the best dip for fresh fruit I have ever tasted. Slivered almonds are blended into a sweet, thick mixture...
My best friend Jenn made this recipe for football party we were having at our house, and it was the hit of the night! You can make it as mild or spicy...
I love chips and dip; but not all of the fat and calories. I whipped this dip up one day, and had to share it. Prep time may be reduced by mincing the...
A great way to use all those cucumbers you get from your plants! A little zing from the jalapeno and a burst of lime add a fresh taste to cucumbers in...
A full-bodied guacamole that I like to put on grilled hamburgers or chicken breasts. Also good with chips. The wasabi powder adds a great twist to guacamole....
This mango salsa goes great with your favorite tortilla chips or as a topping for grilled chicken or fish! It only takes a handful of ingredients and is...
Avocados are a nutrient-dense super food that everyone should eat more often. Unfortunately, store-bought guacamole often has low-avocado content and high...
My husband named this dish. A wonderfully cheesy dip with spiced ground sausage and green chiles. Served warm with corn chips, it always goes so fast at...
This sauce made with marshmallow creme is used for dipping fresh fruit. After tasting it you'll want to put it on everything. Peach schnapps may be substituted...
This is my mom's famous Crab Dip that is easy to prepare and always a hit at every party!! My favorite way is to serve with your favorite dip cracker....
I'm a chile pepper nut from South Carolina. This is an awesome recipe I adapted from a Chilihead in East Texas; it's great if you like fresh salsa. This...
A straightforward hummus that may be augmented with roasted red peppers or olives. Serve with crackers, flat breads or on a pita with sprouts for a great...
This is a fresh and creamy green salsa, sort of a cross between guacamole and salsa verde. Put it on tacos, drizzle over grilled meats, or use it as a...
This is an avocado-less recipe that can be served with veggies or low-fat chips. Very spicy so you may want to cut back on the hot pepper sauce or jalapeno...
The caraway seeds add a nutty, rustic flavor that complements the sharp tang of the cheddar. My mother always made this for family Christmas parties, and...
I've had this recipe for a long time. It's great for parties and football get-togethers. With just three ingredients, it's very easy to prepare. Serve...